Things That Can Get You Fired with D

  • Drugs
  • Doing nothing
  • drinking
  • Dancing
  • Drunk
  • Dicking around
  • Dealing drugs
  • doing drugs
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Drama
  • Dumb
  • Ditching work
  • Disrespect
  • Drunk driving
  • Dating
  • Doing bad things
  • Dumbness
  • day dreaming
  • Dancing naked
  • Drinking at work
  • Daydreaming
  • Dating your boss
  • Ditching
  • death
  • doodling
  • Don’t show up
  • dreaming
  • Doing the wrong thing
  • Dope
  • Discrimination
  • die
  • dozing off
  • Dilly dallying
  • Disobedience
  • Doping
  • Dishonesty
  • drunk at work
  • Destroying property
  • dirty talk
  • Dancing on tables
  • Driving drunk
  • Don't work
  • Dating boss
  • dancing on the table
  • Doing a bad job
  • damaging property
  • doing your boss
  • Drug use
  • drug
  • Damage
  • delinquency
  • destruction
  • DUI
  • Doing your job wrong
  • doing no work
  • Dirty clothes
  • dogging
  • Doing bad stuff
  • dissing
  • dating the boss
  • dawdling
  • Dressing inappropriately
  • Dancing in the office
  • Drawing on the walls
  • death threats
  • Doing something wrong
  • Dynamite
  • day drinking
  • dares
  • Danger
  • Dancing on your desk
  • Destroying company property
  • do nothing
  • Dead
  • Drowning
  • don't do work
  • Dancing on the tables
  • Debt
  • Deceit
  • doing the boss
  • Don't do your work
  • Dropping the ball
  • driving
  • dickpics
  • Drinking on job
  • Don't show up to work
  • Deception
  • damaging company property
  • doing your job badly
  • dancing on the desk
  • Dad
  • Dissing your boss
  • Drinking and driving
  • Drug dealing
  • decking your boss
  • Dirty
  • Dicks out
  • deleting files
  • Dancing on desk
  • Doing bad

Les mots dans la liste Things That Can Get You Fired with D proviennent des joueurs du jeu de mots Le Petit Bac.