Things you say when youre late with C
- Car broke down
- Come on
- Caught in traffic
- Coming
- Car crash
- car trouble
- Car accident
- cunt
- Come on!
- Coming!
- cat died
- Crikey
- couldn't wake up
- Coming soon
- can you forgive me
- Publicité
- Cool
- Calm down
- Car wouldn't start
- Couldn't find my keys
- Car broke
- Crazy traffic
- Ciao
- Can’t help it
- Christ
- Crap I'm late
- Couldn't get out of bed
- come on man
- Caught up in traffic
- Can't make it
- Came late
- Car problems
- Can I come in
- Cant
- couldn't help it
- call me
- Cant make it
- can't make it on time
- Catch you later
- couldn't get up
- curses
- Carry on
- Christ!
- Coming now
- Couldn't catch the bus
- Cops pulled me over
- Call
- Caught the wrong bus
- Cat
- Can't be bothered
- Chill out
- car traffic
- Can't
- Car died
- Come
- coming late
- car
- Cancel
- cut me some slack
- cold
- Cry me a river
- Publicité
- Cripes
- Can't find my keys
- cant make it on time
- Can you excuse me
- Cat was sick
- Can I be excused
- Coming soon!
- Crying
- Couldn’t make it on time
- Can't come
- Couldn't find the place
- Cat ate my homework
- Caught a cold
- Coffee
- can't be on time
- Cause
- Catch me if you can
- catch up
- Crud!
- Crap I am late
- Car won't start
- couldn't find parking
- Caramba
- car ran out of gas
- Can you please forgive me
- Can't believe I'm late
- Car crashed
- crap sorry
- Can't talk
- Couldn’t make it
- crumbs
- come here
- Condolences
- cooking
- Caught in the rain
- came late sorry
- Cheerio
- Crazy
- Crap I’m late!
- Cat bit me
Les mots dans la liste Things you say when youre late with C proviennent des joueurs du jeu de mots Le Petit Bac.