Things associated with winter with B
- Boots
- blanket
- Blankets
- Blizzard
- Bells
- Bobsled
- Black ice
- breeze
- Bear
- Being cold
- Bears
- Blue
- Blizzards
- Baking
- Bed
- Publicité
- beanie
- Bad weather
- bitter cold
- bundling up
- Baubles
- Bonfire
- boredom
- bobsleds
- big coats
- bobsledding
- Baking cookies
- Balaclava
- burning wood
- Building a snowman
- Bears hibernating
- below zero
- Blue lips
- Blue fingers
- Blues
- Bob sledding
- Boarding
- beer
- Boot
- Big jackets
- Big coat
- Ball of snow
- building snowmen
- Blazer
- books
- Booze
- Bundled up
- bell
- bonfires
- burr
- Blowing snow
- Brandy
- berries
- Blisters
- bob sled
- Bread
- Bright lights
- Bleak
- Beard
- Blower
- Brisk weather
- Publicité
- Biscuits
- Boxing Day
- blowing wind
- board
- Blue Christmas
- Broth
- Brisk
- bobble hat
- Building snowman
- blocks of ice
- Baths
- Breezes
- baked goods
- birds
- bundle up
- break
- Buying presents
- Barbecue
- Boogers
- bulldozer
- Boiling water
- Bright snow
- Bliss
- basketball
- brownies
- Birch trees
- book
- bacon
- build a snowman
- butter
- Breakfast
- breath
- Bible
- Beret
- brr
- Blustery winds
- bitter
- Beans
- Big snowstorms
- Brisk wind
Les mots dans la liste Things associated with winter with B proviennent des joueurs du jeu de mots Le Petit Bac.