Restaurant with C
- Chipotle
- chick fil a
- Chili's
- Cheesecake Factory
- Cracker Barrel
- Canes
- Checkers
- Chillis
- Chucky cheese
- carls jr
- Chick-Fil-A
- california pizza kitchen
- chilis
- Culvers
- Charlies
- Publicité
- Carl's Jr
- Cheddars
- Chillies
- Culver's
- Cane's
- China town
- Chinese restaurant
- Cici's Pizza
- Chick-fil-a
- Cactus Club
- Chowking
- Chuck E Cheese
- Carabas
- Cici's
- Cafe
- Cantina
- chilli's
- Costa
- Cook out
- Chic Fil A
- Chickfila
- california fish grill
- chik fil a
- Chiquitos
- Coras
- Church's Chicken
- Chin Chin
- Chuckie Cheese
- Cicis
- chickfila
- Coco's
- Chevys
- carrabas
- Cocos
- Cheddar's
- Charlie's
- Caseys
- carluccios
- Culver’s
- Cat cafe
- Ceasers
- Chile's
- carlos
- Chiquito
- China Garden
- Publicité
- chuys
- carl's
- cafe rouge
- Chuck E. Cheese
- Chipolte
- Carrows
- Cafe Rio
- Coldstone
- Chevy's
- Crab Shack
- Carl Jr's
- Cheers
- Chick Filet
- China House
- Checker's
- Cava
- claim jumper
- carters
- carl jr
- Charley's
- Chips
- chuckee cheese
- Cinnabon
- Churches
- cal's
- chick fill a
- Catch
- Cote
- Cawleys
- Carmines
- Crave
- Chichis
- Carrabba's
- Chicken
- Chuy's
- chi chi's
- Cheese cake factory
- chick fila
- Charleys
Les mots dans la liste Restaurant with C proviennent des joueurs du jeu de mots Le Petit Bac.