Villain with P
- Penguin
- Pirate
- poison ivy
- Palpatine
- Pennywise
- Plankton
- Putin
- Pain
- Phantom
- peter pettigrew
- Predator
- Pyro
- Patrick Bateman
- Punisher
- Peter Petigrew
- Publicité
- Prowler
- Pinhead
- Pete
- Pol Pot
- parasite
- pirates
- pablo escobar
- panther
- Persephone
- Prince John
- prince charming
- Pied Piper
- Pink Panther
- Pucci
- prince hans
- petunia
- Pansy Parkinson
- Pinky
- Percy
- pinhead
- Pig
- Purple man
- Piccolo
- Penny wise
- Poseidon
- Professor Snape
- prometheus
- phantom of the opera
- Peter Griffin
- Panda
- Peacemaker
- Pingu
- Peter Piper
- Poppy
- purple people eater
- piper
- penguin from batman
- Peppa
- police
- Professor Evil
- Porky pig
- Paragon
- polkadot man
- Poltergeist
- poker
- Publicité
- papa
- Piggy
- Penny
- Phoenix
- Pence
- Person
- Proxima Midnight
- Politicians
- Pontius Pilot
- Pedro
- petra
- Prankster
- Plastic man
- Powerman
- Pedophiles
- Priscilla
- Pigman
- popo
- Pincer
- pikachu
- Peguin
- Pascal
- pen
- Pasha
- Princess peach
- pettigrew
- poision ivy
- Pharoah
- Pillager
- Pontius Pilate
- Pickle Rick
- professor umbridge
- Prakash Raj
- Pee man
- packman
- Pamela Voorhees
- President Snow
- para
- penguin man
- Panthor
Les mots dans la liste Villain with P proviennent des joueurs du jeu de mots Le Petit Bac.