Australian cities/towns with V
- Vacy
- Violet Town
- Valdora
- Vaucluse
- vermont
- Victor Harbor
- Vincentia
- Venezuela
- Valley View
- vale park
- van
- vince
- Verdun
- Venus bay
- Publicité
- vet
- verona
- Valentine
- Varanasi
- Victoria Park
- Victor harbour
- Vale
- Venus
- Victoria town
- Venecia
- Vanuatu
- Ville
- vanderbilt
- Villanova
- villawood
- Ventnor
- Valencia Creek
- village
- Vin
- Volly
- valley heights
- Vatican city
- Venedig
- Victoria Falls
- Vice city
- Vasey
Les mots dans la liste Australian cities/towns with V proviennent des joueurs du jeu de mots Le Petit Bac.