College/university with W
- Washington University
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsin University
- william & mary
- William and Mary
- Wyoming
- Walsh
- Williams
- Wharton
- west chester
- warwick
- Wake Forest
- West Virginia University
- widener
- waterloo
- Publicité
- West Point
- Wyoming University
- Wisconsin Uni
- wellsley
- Wofford
- WashU
- wellesley
- wayne state
- Wingate
- Worcester
- Western Kentucky
- Western Washington University
- Wash U
- wash u
- Windsor
- Westminster
- Wesley
- western university
- wisconsin state
- whitworth
- Windsor University
- Wichita
- Western Michigan
- Western Washington
- washington u
- Warsaw
- whitmore
- Winthrop
- wyoming state
- Williamsburg
- Westchester University
- Winston
- Wellington University
- Wichita state
- Wellington
- Winterhold
- wade college
- Wake Forest University
- wagner
Les mots dans la liste College/university with W proviennent des joueurs du jeu de mots Le Petit Bac.